Facial Consultations

Discover the perfect consultation for your skincare needs: Facial consultations tailored to your unique skin concerns



30 Mins

*Fully redeemable against any purchase over £100 of AlumierMD products

Prescribed to your skin needs. Our skin specialist will carry out a full consultation to discuss your skin concerns and goals. During your consultation we will choose the correct products bespoke to you to suit your skin type and target your skin concerns.

Our home skincare range is medical grade, results driven AlumierMD products.

AlumierMD is a true professionally-dispensed medical-grade skincare brand dedicated to the latest advancements in Clean Science.

Benefits of AlumierMD skincare:

  • Prescription strength formulation

  • Therapeutic doses of active ingredients strategically formulated for your skin

  • Free from; parabens, dye, sulphate, phthalate, animal cruelty, artificial fragrance, chemical sunscreen filter, petroleum

  • Bespoke to YOU

  • Suitable for every skin type, age & skin concern

AlumierMD Skincare Crawley West Sussex



30 Mins

Our "Treatment Plan Facial Consultation" offers a comprehensive analysis of your skin's needs and goals.

Through a personalized assessment, we'll create a customized treatment plan tailored specifically to address your concerns, whether it's acne, aging, pigmentation, or hydration. With our detailed roadmap, you'll embark on a journey towards your skin's ultimate transformation and long-term vitality.



60 Mins

Our "Bespoke Skincare & Facial Consultation" is a luxurious experience tailored to meet your unique skincare needs. Beginning with a thorough analysis of your skin type, concerns, and lifestyle factors, our skilled therapists will curate a personalized skincare regimen just for you.

Delve into a world of customized solutions, where each product recommendation is carefully selected to address your individual concerns, whether it's hydration, anti-aging, acne, or sensitivity. From selecting the perfect cleanser to recommending targeted treatments, our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and products needed to achieve your skincare goals. Step into a realm of indulgence and leave with a bespoke skincare routine designed exclusively for your skin's radiant future.

Our home skincare range is medical grade, results driven AlumierMD.